Since posting the blog below, five of the eight new paintings have been snapped up! Many thanks to the five purchasers. That leaves numbers 5, 6 and 7 unsold (see the list below). I have also added two new ones: ‘Silver Birch in the snow’, £80 and ‘The Road to John Piper’s House’ also £80. Both paintings are mounted and framed (my images show them before they were mounted and framed) and both paintings are slightly bigger than A4 size.

Please click on Fundraising Watercolours and send me an email telling me which painting you want me to reserve for you.


Even though I did my National Service (1957-59), I very much doubt that volunteering to take up arms and go and fight in Ukraine would be much help.  I’d certainly be a liability!   I have therefore done something I can do: produced some new paintings to help raise money for the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal.  Eight of the new paintings are now on my website.  They are all mounted and framed and currently feature in a one-man exhibition at the Roehampton Club (the exhibition ends on 26 March).  

Please visit my website (full details of exactly what to do below) and take a look at the new paintings.  Better still, please buy one (or two!) and send me an email telling me which one(s) you want.

The new paintings are (in the order they appear on the website):

  1. Snowdrops, A4 size painting, £60 SOLD
  2. Dahlia, A4 size painting, £60 SOLD
  3. Pebbles, A4 size painting, £60 SOLD
  4. Turquoise sea, A3 size painting, £90 SOLD
  5. The road less travelled, A3 size painting. £90
  6. New day, new opportunities, A3 size painting, £90
  7. Curvy boats, A3 size painting, £90
  8. John Piper’s church, A4 size painting, £60 SOLD

Here’s exactly what to do:

Visit my website

Click on Fundraising Watercolours

Click on each image in turn to see the full picture

Decide which one(s) you want to buy

Send me an email giving me the good news and I’ll reserve the painting for you.

Thanks very much.  

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